
Jennifer Calihan

Jenni is the founder of Eat the Butter, an initiative dedicated to helping mothers (and others) return to full-fat food. Jenni marvels at just how hard it can be to feel confident about simple things like dinner (and laundry). Her university degrees—human biology and an MBA—don’t seem to help. Despite the politeness that goes along with growing up in Canada, she is a big fan of breaking the rules, especially when it comes to outdated low-fat dietary advice. She cooks ‘vintage’ for her husband and four children in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.


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Adele Hite, PHD MPH RD

The late Adele Hite was a recovering vegetarian, registered dietitian and perennial grad student, with a couple of master’s degrees (one in public health nutrition) and PhD in rhetoric. She was also an amazing friend and overall rock star. She used to wonder how she managed to put dinner on the table (nearly) every night for her husband and three kids during the eternity it took for them to learn to cook for themselves. Before her untimely passing, she pondered the puzzles and paradoxes of food, health, and nutrition that abound in the world.

Find more from Adele at

Can you help? We are all about the power of carpools and other collective actions. It takes a village... Please contact us if you would like to get involved to help make the movement stronger. Together we can take back our plates, take back our health, and greatly reduce the raging epidemics of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic disease that plague us.

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